
MKMMA Week 8

This has been a trying week.  My old blueprint came back with a force unpredicted.  I have had to work to try to keep to all of my mastermind training.  I keep getting up and getting back on that Master Mind horse.

I have had too much  noise in my life.  Distractions.  People pulling in different directions.  I have to remind myself to “keep my eyes on the prize”.  I am moving forward. I am getting better.  I am mastering the material.  I know what I want when I feel it, and I am feeling it more and more.

Like any diet, it is easier when those you live with join you in your plan.  It is difficult when they sabotage your plan.  Still finding a way to meet MY needs and those of other family members.  But I will.

It was very interesting – taking the battleship back in time.  Back to its origins.  Back to individuals like you and me.  In truth, don’t all things go back to a person, a desire and a need?

What good things happened this week?  I received $$ which allows me to stress less.  We visited one of our horses in his new home and he looks great!  We are all well.

I can be what I will to be.  My mantra.

MKMMA Week 7

 What wondrous discoveries lay ahead?  I am getting better at visualizing.  Still only parts of my DMP, but those parts are coming into focus. 

I have caught myself 7 times today with negative thoughts.  When I do, I say “Pink elephants”  then “Grey elephants” then “Elephants dancing”.  That puts a vision in my head that is happy.  I have forgotten what I was upset about. 

Two really cool events this week.  First, we have 4 empty apartments.  This is a large amount given that we only have 15 units total.  My husband was voicing his concern when I told him “Don’t worry, they are already rented.”  I said “ You have to visualize that they are already rented.”  “Oh” say he.  “Ok, I won’t worry”.   

I put two ads on Craigslist on Tuesday.  Wednesday we had two different young men call and inquire about the apartments.  Those two apartments are now rented and this is just Thursday!!!  

Second thing this week:  I went with my husband to get a new iPhone.  I got the new one and my husband – who is not fond of technology, got my old one.  Hubby left to get a coffee while the sales person and I went through all the techy stuff.  The salesperson asked me “What do you do?”  I told him I was and interior designer, paused then told him I was also into health and wellness. (first time I have ever done this with my network marketing company!)  I told him my story about how the vitamins made a difference in my life.  Bottom line, he asked for an order of vitamins.  Out of the blue!!  I was stunned.  I brought him some samples today.  Wow, do I feel empowered!  Those synapses are just snapping. 

I feel happy.  And proud.  I will continue to find ways to do good in this world.  It feels great.  It is awe inspiring and at the same time humbling when things seem to fall into place.  I know there is a higher power at work – and I am happy to work for him/her.   

Yikes!  One more thing!  I just got a request for a kitchen design!!!  Someone put a string on me before I float away!

I guess I am getting in touch with my feelings too.   That was huge for me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

MKMMA Week 6

The week started out great.  We met with friends in Florida and enjoyed our visit.  Once we left for home, however, things changed.  Our old RV which came cross country last year without a hiccup, decided to test our resolve.  On the highway with nowhere to really pull over, it seriously overheated.  My heart was in my throat watching my husband working to fix it in front of the RV in the breakdown lane.  Trucks passing at 60 mph and faster would make the RV sway.  I kept sending him best wishes to keep him safe.  He was able to patch it enough to get off the highway after an hour.  We limped along to York, PA after several stops and gallons and gallons of water we decided to stay in a Holiday Inn Express.  

Had a good nights sleep and in the morning – noticed that one wall of the room was a beautiful shade of blue.  The room is furnished tranquilly.  I did connect the blue rectangle of the room to my DMP.  I am not sure yet what part, but it did remind me of everything we are learning.

I am trying to get home for several reasons, one of which is my first ever regional conference for my network marketing company.  Secondly, we have had calls about our empty apartments and need to meet with prospective tenants.  This has been on my mind a lot and people just started calling.  Awesome.  When I think about how things connect, it seems almost magical. 

I am still working on getting in touch with all my emotions.  I have had 63 years of bad scripts telling me I am not good enough.  I will plow through.  I have caught myself several times and changed my thinking, but I am not sure this will happen  overnight.  I will dig deep and go over previous lessons as well.  I want to feel the bliss and believe it is worth the work.

Master Key week 5


This has been a difficult week.  I have been trying to get in touch with my emotions, to find that burning desire.  It seems like I am encased in cement.  Everything has flat lined.  I have worked diligently during “the sit” to find that place that would make me happy.  I have glimmers around the edges, but have not had that “Ah ha!” moment.  


Our trip to Florida was fraught with frustration.  We had numerous system failures which needed to be trouble shooted (?)  and fixed.  For three days, I kept my sunny side up, I was encouraging and smiling.  On the fourth day, the old scripts came out.  I wanted to cry, I was angry.  I kept thinking of what I had read so far.  I recognized that these were “poor me” self pity scripts that were making me act as a victim.  I also recognized that I had been trying to get in touch with emotion and I finally had.  It was not the emotion I had been looking for, but at least I had something.


I am a Red Sox fan – not the die hard kind, but just a casual fan.  We watched part of the game with my son.  I was cheering when we would get a hit. (Hmm, something new for me).  At the top of the 7th inning, we had to leave to go to the campground.  There is no Wifi, so I was stuck using my iPhone and could only look at scores.  I stayed up and texted my son when we won.  


The next morning, when I read about Pappy being named MVP, but more importantly how he held up the trophy and said “This is for you – the fans”  – my eyes actually had tears in them.  I could feel pride, humility, something powerful in my chest.


It seems to me that David Ortiz embodies a lot of what I am trying to be.  He is confident, but not cocky.  He has a generosity of spirit.  He is humble, in spite of his amazing abilities.  He shares his accomplishments with crediting his team mates.


I have every belief that on this journey I will unbury feelings which have been repressed for years and be able to find my bliss.

MKMMA Week 4

More on horses and interconnections.  Monday we were bringing two of the horses to their new home.  Part way there the truck broke down.  Lost a belt and a pulley.  Called AAA for a jump start as the battery was dead.  Dennis,  my husband, called his friend to pick up parts.  I called a gal that had an equine delivery business for a while.  (She was actually the person who picked up these horses 13 years ago from Newburg, NY when they came in from the Netherlands.)  We limped to a parking lot.  Dennis and his friend fixed the truck while my friend and I attached the trailer and delivered the horses.  While at their new home, my friend said ” I didn’t realize your trailer was this big.  Tell me what you want for it and I will buy it.”  The trailer is now sold to her.  I had wanted to downsize everything and now some of the largest items are gone.  Unexplainable interwoven connections.  It gives me chills.  It is so exciting.  Amazing what can happen when you put your needs out into the universe.



MKMMA Week 3

This week has seen some amazing happenings.

We have owned three horses for about 13 years.  My husband and I have come to a time in our lives where we are no longer able to care for the horses the way we once did.  I met another horse person for the first time at a network marketing meeting.  She was leaving the meeting early so I got up and went with her to the hallway.  I told her of my situation and she told me to think on it and tell the horses what I wanted.  The next week I was contacted by her friend who knew of two different trainers looking for the type of horses I had.  Everyone met at my farm and the connections between horses and people was powerful.  My horses now have new homes and the trainers each invited us to visit any time.  We have already gotten pictures back showing them playing with other horses and enjoying their new homes.  It was exactly what the horses needed.  It was exactly what I needed.  The timing was unbelievable as my husband and I were going on a trip to see our son in Florida.  I was hoping for a solution before we left.  


the sleigh

the sleigh

OK.  I am burning to tell you this.  I have an antique sleigh which I bought 7 or more years ago.  I have horses and I wanted to drive them through the snowy fields.  Well, I didn’t find a way to do driving with them, nor do I have fields – so the sleigh sat in the loft of my barn.  I have been trying to sell this sleigh for about 3 years.   I have listed it on craigslist and a trainer friend put it on her website over a year ago. 

I got an email from my friend saying that a lady had contacted her and inquired about the sleigh.  She put me in direct contact with this person and we emailed a couple of times back and forth about measurements, etc.  She said her boss would be in touch with me.  Nothing happened for over a week.  Then I got an email from this man.  It was difficult for him to contact me, as he lives in Hong Kong.  We finally spoke.  He has bought the sleigh!  He works for a world renowned fashion designer and they will be using it in an ad campaign this winter.  Today or tomorrow it will be crated and on its way to China.




In the fall, when the leaves are turning and falling, everything is preparing for the winter to come. Yet in my garden springs hope eternal. This is the iris which just started to bloom. How like my journey in life – parts of me are blooming for the first time….

Some people are on fire right away.  I am like the survivalist campfire where you have to rub the stick to get a spark – then blow on the kindling to start a smolder.  Finally the embers are lit! 

After last night’s webinar, the spark is there.  I have not only seen changes in my life, I am feeling them.  I tend to be very private (from New England) and quiet.  Now I want everyone to know that I am excited.  Removing procrastination from my life is like lifting a HUGE bolder off of my shoulders.

Thank you Mark J, Nadine and Trish-the-dish and all the staff for the gift of hope.